
Greg Albaugh, DO, FACS -  - Laser & Medical Spa

Visage Ventura Medi-Spa

Greg Albaugh, DO, FACS

Laser & Medical Spa located in Oxnard, CA

Some people are born with clear, gorgeous skin, but not everybody is quite so lucky. At Visage Ventura Medi-Spa in Oxnard, California, Greg Albaugh, DO, FACS, uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial technology to reduce wrinkles, eliminate acne scars, minimize the appearance of large veins and broken capillaries, and more. ILP Photofacial treatments give you the clear complexion of your dreams. To learn more about this revolutionary treatment, call Visage Ventura Medi-Spa or schedule an appointment online.

Photofacials Q & A

What are IPL Photofacial treatments?

As you age, your body naturally loses vital collagen and elastin that keep your skin young, fresh, and tight. Plummeting collagen production leads to fine lines, wrinkles, and saggy skin — natural signs of aging — but it isn’t completely dormant.

IPL Photofacial treatments stimulate the production of collagen to energize and tighten your skin, which promotes healing. As your new collagen develops, skin cells regenerate to produce a more youthful appearance, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating unwanted redness, and more.

Which skin conditions does IPL Photofacials treat?

IPL Photofacial technology treats a number of common skin problems, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Liver spots
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Redness
  • Unwanted freckles
  • Age spots
  • Veins
  • Large pores
  • Broken capillaries
  • Wrinkles

Each IPL Photofacial treatment erases skin damage to revitalize your appearance without invasive surgery. Dr. Albaugh customizes the treatment to your skin to target the exact problems you want to treat. He can also adjust the heat level for your comfort.

How do IPL Photofacial treatments work?

Each IPL Photofacial treatment delivers precise energy to your skin’s surface to stimulate collagen production. 

Dr. Albaugh uses a special handheld device that emits broad-spectrum light, which penetrates the deeper layers of the skin to repair the damage. Your skin absorbs this light energy to immediately spark blood flow.

IPL Photofacial is highly effective at targeting pigmentation. During the treatment, excess pigment rises to the surface of your skin. 

Over the coming days, this hyperpigmentation sloughs off your skin, reducing the appearance of brown spots, vascular lesions, rosacea, and overall redness. The result is clear, fresh skin that looks dramatically improved.

While each case is unique, Dr. Albaugh recommends up to six IPL Photofacial treatments to repair dull skin and produce the best results possible. Each treatment takes approximately 30 minutes, though times vary depending on the skin conditions you wish to target. 

After your initial treatment, it’s normal to experience redness, minor swelling, and an increase in the appearance of brown spots or hyperpigmentation. 

These side effects should subside over the coming hours and days. To learn more about IPL Photofacial treatments, call Visage Ventura Medi-Spa or book an appointment online today.